Academic English > Vocabulary > GSL
The original General Service List (GSL) had about 2000 headwords and about 1500 related words, making about 3500 words altogether. In the original list, different verb forms were not given (e.g. work, works, working), neither were plurals (e.g. book, books), nor the months, days of the week and numbers. However, such words have been added to the list below (which in total contains around 5,500 words). Remember that Academcic English is written formally and in a gender neutral, non-judgmental, non-rehtorical style. Remember also, to “know” a word you will need to know (1) how to use it in the correct context (how, where and when) (2), spell and pronounce it correctly (3), know its meaning/s and definition/s (4), know its grammatical form/s (e.g. adjective, noun or verb) and also (5), know its synonyms and antonyms (related and opposite words).
Academcic Vocabulary
Glossary (phrases & terms)
The Academic Word List (AWL)
a | a | |
able | ability | able |
about | about | |
above | above | |
abroad | abroad | |
absence | absent | absence |
absolutely | absolutely | |
accept | accepts, accepted, accepting | accept |
accident | accidents, accidental, accidentally | accident |
accord | according to | accord |
account | accounts, accounted, accounting | account |
accuse | accuses, accused, accusing | accuse |
accustom | accustom | |
ache | aches | ache |
across | across | |
act | acts, acted, acting, actor, actors, actress, actresses, action, actions, active, actively, activity, activities | act |
actual | actually | actual |
add | adds, adding, added | add |
address | addresses | address |
admire | admires, admiring, admired, admiration | admire |
admit | admits, admitted, admitting, admission | admit |
adopt | adopts, adopted, adopting, adoption | adopt |
advance | in advance, advanced | advance |
advantage | advantages | advantage |
adventure | adventures | adventure |
advertise | advertises, advertised, advertising, advertisement | advertise |
advice | advise, advises, advised, advising | advice |
aeroplane | airplane, aeroplanes, airplanes | aeroplane |
affair | affairs | affair |
afford | affords, affording, afforded | afford |
afraid | afraid | |
after | after | |
afternoon | afternoons | afternoon |
again | again | |
against | against | |
age | ages | age |
agent | agents, agency | agent |
ago | ago | |
agree | agrees, agreed, agreeing, agreement, disagree, disagrees, disagreed, disagreeing, disagreement | agree |
agriculture | agricultural | agriculture |
ahead | ahead | |
aim | aims, aimed, aiming, aimless | aim |
air | air-tight | air |
alike | alike | |
alive | alive | |
all | all | |
allow | allows, allowed, allowing, allowance | allow |
almost | almost | |
alone | alone | |
along | along with | along |
aloud | aloud | |
already | already | |
also | also | |
although | although | |
altogether | altogether | |
always | always | |
ambition | ambitions, ambitious | ambition |
among | among | |
amongst | amongst | |
amount | amount | |
amuse | amuses, amused, amusing, amusement | amuse |
ancient | ancient | |
an | an | |
and | and | |
anger | angry | anger |
angle | angles | angle |
angry | angry | |
animal | animals | animal |
annoy | annoyed, annoys, annoying, annoyance | annoy |
another | another | |
answer | answers, answering, answered | answer |
anxiety | anxious | anxiety |
any | anybody, anyhow, anything, anywhere | any |
apart | apart | |
apologise | apologises, apologised, apologising, apology, apologies | apologise |
appear | appears, appeared, appearing, disappear, disappears, disappeared, disappearing, appearance, appearances, disappearance | appear |
applaud | applauds, applauding, applauded, applause | applaud |
apple | apples | apple |
apply | applies, applied, applying, application, applications | apply |
appoint | appoints, appointing, appointed, appointment, appointments | appoint |
approve | approves, approved, approving, disapprove, disapproves, disapproved, approval | approve |
April | April | |
arch | arched, archway | arch |
argue | argues, argued, arguing, argument, arguments | argue |
arise | arises, arose, arising | arise |
arm | arms, armour, unarmed | arm |
army | armies | army |
around | around | |
arrange | arranges, arranged, arranging, arrangement, arrangement | arrange |
arrest | arrested, arrests, arresting | arrest |
arrive | arrived, arrives,, arriving, arrival | arrive |
arrow | arrows | arrow |
art | artist, artists, artistic | art |
article | articles | article |
artificial | artificial | |
as | as | |
ash | ash | |
ashamed | ashamed | |
aside | aside | |
ask | asks, asked, asking | ask |
asleep | asleep | |
association | associations | association |
astonish | astonishes, astonished, astonishing, astonishment | astonish |
at | at | |
attack | attacks | attack |
attempt | attempts | attempt |
attend | attends, attended, attending, attention, attentive | attend |
attract | attracts, attracted, attracting, attraction, attractive | attract |
audience | audiences | audience |
august | august | |
aunt | aunts | aunt |
autumn | autumn | |
avenue | avenues | avenue |
average | average | |
avoid | avoids, avoided, avoiding, avoidance, unavoidable, unavoidably | avoid |
awake | wakes, awoke, awaking | awake |
away | away | |
awkward | awkwardly, awkwardness | awkward |
axe | axes | axe |
baby | babies | baby |
back | backbone, background, backward | back |
bad | badly | bad |
bag | bags | bag |
baggage | baggage | |
bake | bakes, baked, baking | bake |
balance | balances, balancing, balanced | balance |
ball | balls | ball |
band | bands | band |
bank | banks | bank |
bar | bars | bar |
barber | barbers | barber |
bare | bare | |
bargain | bargains | bargain |
barrel | barrels | barrel |
base | bases, based, basing, basic | base |
basin | basins | basin |
basket | baskets | basket |
bath | baths, bathed, bathe | bath |
battle | battles | battle |
bay | bays | bay |
be | been, is, are, was, were, being | be |
beak | beaks | beak |
beam | beams | beam |
bean | beans | bean |
bear | bears, bearing | bear |
beard | beards | beard |
beast | beasts | beast |
beat | beats, beating | beat |
beauty | beautiful, beautifully | beauty |
because | because | |
become | becomes, became, becoming | become |
bed | beds, bedding, bedroom, bedrooms | bed |
before | before | |
beg | begs, begging, begged, beggar | beg |
begin | begins, began, begun, beginning, beginnings | begin |
behave | behaves, behaved, behaving, behaviour | behave |
behind | behind | |
being | well-being | being |
believe | believes, believed, believing, belief | believe |
bell | bells | bell |
belong | belongs, belonged, belonging | belong |
below | below | |
belt | belts | belt |
bend | bends, bending, bent | bend |
beneath | beneath | |
berry | berries | berry |
beside | besides | beside |
best | best | |
better | better | |
between | between | |
beyond | beyond | |
bicycle | bicycles | bicycle |
big | big | |
bill | bills | bill |
bind | binds, bound, binding | bind |
bird | birds | bird |
birth | birth | |
bit | bit | |
bite | bites, bit | bite |
bitter | bitterness | bitter |
black | black | |
blade | blades | blade |
blame | blames, blamed, blaming | blame |
bless | blesses, blessing, blessed, blessing | bless |
blind | blinds, blinded, blinding | blind |
block | blocks | block |
blood | bleed | blood |
blow | blows, blowing, blew | blow |
blue | blue | |
board | boards | board |
boast | boasts, boasting, boasted, boastful | boast |
boat | boats | boat |
body | bodies, bodily, body-guard | body |
boil | boils, boiled, boiling, boiler | boil |
bold | boldly | bold |
bone | bones | bone |
book | books | book |
border | borders | border |
born | born | |
borrow | borrows, borrowed, borrowing | borrow |
both | both | |
bottle | bottles | bottle |
bottom | bottoms | bottom |
bound | bounded, bounds | bound |
boundary | boundaries | boundary |
bow | bows, bowing, bowed | bow |
bowl | bowls | bowl |
box | boxes | box |
boy | boys | boy |
brain | brains | brain |
branch | branches | branch |
brass | brass | |
brave | bravely, bravery | brave |
bread | bread | |
break | breaks, broke, breaking, breakage | break |
breakfast | breakfast | |
breath | breathe, breathing | breath |
bribe | bribes, bribing, bribed, bribery | bribe |
brick | bricks | brick |
bridge | bridges | bridge |
bright | brighten | bright |
bring | brings, bringing, brought | bring |
broad | broadcast, breadth | broad |
brother | brothers | brother |
brown | brown | |
brush | brushes | brush |
bucket | buckets | bucket |
build | builds, built, building | build |
bunch | bunches | bunch |
bundle | bundles | bundle |
burn | burns, burned, burnt, burning | burn |
burst | bursts | burst |
bury | buries, buried, burying, burial, burial-place, burial-ground | bury |
bus | buses | bus |
bush | bushes | bush |
business | businesses, businesslike, unbusinesslike | business |
busy | busily | busy |
but | but | |
butter | butter | |
button | buttons, buttoned, buttoning, unbutton | button |
buy | buys, buying, bought | buy |
by | by | |
cage | cages | cage |
cake | cakes | cake |
calculate | calculates, calculated, calculating | calculate |
call | calls, called, calling | call |
calm | calmly, calmness | calm |
camera | cameras | camera |
camp | camps, camped, camping | camp |
can | could | can |
canal | canals | canal |
cap | caps | cap |
cape | capes | cape |
capital | capitals | capital |
captain | captains | captain |
car | cars | car |
card | cards | card |
care | cares, cared, caring, careful, careless | care |
carriage | carriages | carriage |
carry | carries, carrying, carried | carry |
cart | carts | cart |
case | cases | case |
castle | castles | castle |
cat | cats | cat |
catch | catches | catch |
cattle | cattle | |
cause | causes, caused, causing | cause |
caution | cautious, cautiously | caution |
cave | caves | cave |
cent | cents | cent |
centre | centres | centre |
century | centuries | century |
ceremony | ceremonies, ceremonial, ceremonious | ceremony |
certain | certainly, certainty, uncertainty | certain |
chain | chains | chain |
chair | chairs, chairman | chair |
chalk | chalk | |
chance | chances | chance |
change | changes, changed, changing | change |
character | characters | character |
charge | charges, charged, charging | charge |
charm | charms, charmed, charming | charm |
cheap | cheaply | cheap |
cheat | cheats, cheated, cheating | cheat |
check | checks, checked, checking | check |
cheer | cheerful, cheerfully | cheer |
cheese | cheese | |
cheque | cheques | cheque |
chest | chest | |
chicken | chickens | chicken |
chief | chiefly | chief |
child | children, childhood, childish, childlike, child-bearing | child |
chimney | chimneys | chimney |
choose | chooses, chose, chosen, choosing, choice | choose |
christmas | christmas | |
church | church-yard | church |
circle | circular | circle |
city | cities, citizen, citizens | city |
civilise | civilisation | civilise |
claim | claims, claimed, claiming | claim |
class | classify, classified, classifying, classification | class |
clay | clay | |
clean | cleanly, cleanness | clean |
clear | clears, cleared, clearing, clearly, clearness | clear |
clerk | clerks | clerk |
clever | clever | |
cliff | cliffs | cliff |
climb | climbed, climbs, climbing | climb |
clock | clocks, clockwork | clock |
close | closes, closing, closed | close |
cloth | clothed, clothes, clothing | cloth |
cloud | clouds, cloudy | cloud |
club | clubs | club |
coal | coal | |
coarse | coarse | |
coast | coasts, coast-line | coast |
coat | coats, overcoat | coat |
coffee | coffee-pot | coffee |
coin | coins | coin |
cold | coldly, coldness | cold |
collar | collars | collar |
collect | collects, collected, collecting, collection, collector | collect |
college | colleges | college |
colony | colonies, colonist, colonise, colonised, colonial | colony |
colour | colours, colouring | colour |
comb | combs | comb |
combine | combines, combining, combined, combination | combine |
come | comes, came, coming | come |
comfort | comforting, discomfort, comfortable, uncomfortable | comfort |
command | commands | command |
commerce | commercial | commerce |
committee | committees | committee |
common | commonly, uncommon, commonsense | common |
companion | companions, companionship | companion |
company | companies | company |
compare | compares, compared, comparing, comparison | compare |
compete | competes, competed, competing, competition, competitor | compete |
complain | complains, complained, complaining, complaint | complain |
complete | complete | |
complicated | complicated | |
compose | composes, composed, composing, composer, composition | compose |
concern | concerns, concerned, concerning | concern |
condition | conditions | condition |
confess | confesses, confessed, confessing, confession | confess |
confidence | confident, confidential, confidentially | confidence |
confuse | confuses, confused, confusing, confusion | confuse |
congratulate | congratulates, congratulated, congratulating, congratulations | congratulate |
connect | connects, connecting, connected, connection | connect |
conquer | conquers, conquered, conquering, conqueror, conquest | conquer |
conscience | conscience | |
conscious | consciousness, unconscious, unconsciously, unconsciousness | conscious |
consider | considers, considered, considering, considering | consider |
contain | contains, contained, containing, container | contain |
content | contented, discontent, discontented | content |
continue | continues, continued, continuing, continuous, continuously | continue |
control | controls, controlled, controlling | control |
convenience | convenient, inconvenience, inconvenient | convenience |
conversation | conversational | conversation |
cook | cooks, cooked, cooking, cookery | cook |
cool | coolly, coolness | cool |
copper | copper | |
copy | copies, copying, copied | copy |
cork | corkscrew | cork |
corn | corn | |
corner | corners | corner |
correct | corrects, corrected, correcting, correctly, incorrect, correction, corrections | correct |
cost | costs | cost |
cottage | cottages | cottage |
cotton | cotton | |
cough | coughs, coughed, coughing | cough |
council | councils | council |
count | counts, counting, counted | count |
country | countries | country |
courage | courageous | courage |
course | course | |
court | courts, courtyard | court |
cousin | cousins, | cousin |
cover | covers, covered, covering | cover |
cow | cows | cow |
coward | coward, cowardice, cowardly | coward |
crack | cracks, cracking, cracked | crack |
crash | crashes, crashed, crashing | crash |
cream | cream | |
creature | creatures | creature |
creep | creeps | creep |
crime | crimes, criminal | crime |
critic | critics, critical | critic |
crop | crops | crop |
cross | crosses, crossing, crossing | cross |
crowd | crowds | crowd |
crown | crowns | crown |
cruel | cruelly, cruelty | cruel |
crush | crushes, crushed, crushing | crush |
cry | cries, cried, crying | cry |
cultivate | cultivates, cultivating, cultivated, cultivation, cultivator | cultivate |
cup | cups | cup |
cupboard | cupboards | cupboard |
cure | cures, cured, curing | cure |
curious | curiously, curiosity | curious |
curl | curls, curling, curled, curly | curl |
current | currents | current |
curse | curses | curse |
curtain | curtains | curtain |
curve | curves, curving, curved | curve |
cushion | cushions, cushioned | cushion |
custom | customer | custom |
cut | cuts, cutting | cut |
damage | damaged | damage |
damp | damp | |
dance | dances, danced, dancing | dance |
danger | dangerous | danger |
dare | daring | dare |
dark | darken, darkness | dark |
date | dates | date |
daughter | daughter | daughter |
day | days, daily, daylight | day |
dead | death, deathbed | dead |
deaf | deafening | deaf |
deal | deals, dealt, dealer, dealing, dealings | deal |
dear | dearly | dear |
debt | debts | debt |
decay | decays, decaying, decayed | decay |
deceive | deceives, deceived, deceiving, deceit, deceitful | deceive |
december | december | |
decide | decides, deciding, decided, decidedly, decision, decisive | decide |
declare | declares, declared, declaring, declaration | declare |
decrease | decreases, decreased, decreasing | decrease |
deed | deeds | deed |
deep | deepen, deeply, depth | deep |
deer | deer | |
defeat | defeats, defeated, defeating, defendant, defence | defeat |
defend | defends, defended, defending | defend |
degree | degrees | degree |
delay | delays, delayed, delaying | delay |
delicate | delicately | delicate |
delight | delightful, delightfully | delight |
deliver | delivers, delivering, delivered, delivery | deliver |
demand | demands, demanded, demanding | demand |
department | departments | department |
depend | depends, depended, depending, dependent, dependant, dependence | depend |
descend | descends, descended, descending, descendant, descent | descend |
describe | described, describes, describing, description | describe |
desert | deserts, deserted | desert |
deserve | deserves, deserved, deserving | deserve |
desire | desires, desiring, desired | desire |
desk | desks | desk |
despair | despairs, despaired, despairing | despair |
destroy | destroys, destroyed, destroying, destruction, destructive | destroy |
detail | details, detailed | detail |
determine | determines, determining, determined, determination | determine |
develop | develops, developed, developing, development | develop |
devil | devils | devil |
diamond | diamonds | diamond |
dictionary | dictionaries | dictionary |
die | die, died, dying | die |
difference | differences, different | difference |
difficult | difficulty | difficult |
dig | digs, dug, digging | dig |
dinner | dine, dining | dinner |
dip | dips, dipped, dipping | dip |
direct | directs, directed, directing, direction, directly, director | direct |
dirt | dirty | dirt |
disappoint | disappoints, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment | disappoint |
discipline | disciplines | discipline |
discover | discovers, discovering, discovered, discoverer, discovery | discover |
discuss | discusses, discussed, discussing, discussion | discuss |
disease | diseases, diseased | disease |
disgust | disgusts, disgusted, disgusting | disgust |
dish | dishes | dish |
dismiss | dismisses, dismissed, dismissing, dismissal | dismiss |
distance | distances, distant | distance |
distinguish | distinguishes, distinguishing, distinguished | distinguish |
district | districts | district |
disturb | disturbs, disturbed, disturbing, disturbance | disturb |
ditch | ditches | ditch |
dive | dives, diving, diver | dive |
divide | divides, divided, dividing, division | divide |
do | does, did, done | do |
doctor | doctors | doctor |
dog | dogs | dog |
dollar | dollars | dollar |
donkey | donkeys | donkey |
door | doors, indoor, indoors, outdoor, outdoors | door |
dot | dots | dot |
double | double | |
doubt | doubts, doubted, doubting, doubtful, doubtless | doubt |
down | down | |
dozen | dozen | |
drag | drags, dragged, dragging | drag |
draw | draws | draw |
drawer | drawers | drawer |
dream | dreams, dreamy | dream |
dress | dresses | dress |
drink | drinks, drunk, drank, drinking | drink |
drive | drives, drove, driven | drive |
drop | drops, dropped, dropping | drop |
drown | drowns, drowning, drowned | drown |
drum | drums | drum |
dry | dryly, dryness | dry |
duck | ducks | duck |
due | due | |
dull | dullness | dull |
during | during | |
dust | duster, dusty | dust |
duty | duty | |
each | each | |
eager | eagerly | eager |
ear | ears, ear-ring | ear |
early | earliness | early |
earn | earns, earned, earning, earnings | earn |
earnest | earnest | |
earth | earthly, earthworm, earthy | earth |
ease | eases, easing, eased | ease |
east | eastern | east |
easy | easily | easy |
eat | eats, ate, eaten, eating | eat |
edge | edge | |
educate | educates, educating, educated, education, educational, uneducated | educate |
effect | effects, effective, effectively, efficient, efficiency, efficiently | effect |
effort | effort | |
egg | eggs | egg |
either | either | |
eight | eighth | eight |
eighteen | eighteenth | eighteen |
eighty | eightieth | eighty |
elastic | elasticity | elastic |
elder | elder | |
elect | elects, elected, electing, election | elect |
electricity | electrician, electric, electrical | electricity |
elephant | elephants | elephant |
eleven | eleventh | eleven |
else | elsewhere | else |
empire | empires | empire |
employ | employs, employing, employed, unemployed, employee, employer, employment | employ |
empty | empty | |
enclose | enclosure | enclose |
encourage | encourages, encouraged, encouraging, encouragement | encourage |
end | ending, endless | end |
enemy | enemies | enemy |
engine | engines, engineer, engineering | engine |
english | english | |
enjoy | enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyable, enjoyment | enjoy |
enough | enough | |
enquire | enquires, enquired, enquiring | enquire |
enter | enters, entered, entering, entrance | enter |
entertain | entertains, entertained, entertaining, entertaining, entertainment | entertain |
entire | entirely | entire |
entrance | entrance | |
envelope | envelopes | envelope |
envy | envies, envied, envious | envy |
equal | equally, equality | equal |
escape | escapes, escaped, escaping | escape |
especial | especially | especial |
essence | essential, essentially | essence |
even | even | |
evening | evening | |
event | eventful, uneventful | event |
ever | everlasting | ever |
every | everyday, everything, everywhere | every |
evil | evil | |
exact | exactly | exact |
examination | examinations, examine, examiner | examination |
example | examples | example |
excellent | excellence, excellently | excellent |
except | excepting, exception | except |
excess | excessive, excessively | excess |
excite | excites, excited, exciting, excitement | excite |
excuse | excuses | excuse |
exercise | exercises, exercised | exercise |
exist | exists, existed, existing, existence | exist |
expect | expects, expected, expecting, expectation | expect |
expense | expenses, expensive | expense |
experience | experiences, experienced | experience |
experiment | experiments, experimental, experimentally | experiment |
explain | explains, explained, explaining, explanation | explain |
explode | explodes, exploded, exploding, explosion, explosive | explode |
explore | explores, explored, exploring | explore |
express | expression | express |
extend | extends, extended, extending, extension, extensive, extensively, extent | extend |
extra | extra | |
extraordinary | extraordinarily | extraordinary |
extreme | extremes, extremely | extreme |
eye | eyes, eye-ball, eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid, eye-sight | eye |
face | faces | face |
fact | facts | fact |
factory | factories | factory |
fade | fades, faded, fading | fade |
fail | fails, failed, failing, failure | fail |
faint | faints, fainted, fainting, faintly, faintness | faint |
fair | unfair, fairly, unfairly | fair |
faith | faiths, faithful, faithfully | faith |
fall | falls, fell, fallen, | fall |
false | falsehood, falsely | false |
familiar | familiar | |
family | families | family |
famous | famous | |
fan | fans | fan |
fancy | fanciful | fancy |
far | far away, far off, far-reaching, farther, farthest | far |
farm | farms | farm |
fashion | fashionable | fashion |
fast | fasten, fastener | fast |
fat | fatness, fatten, fatty | fat |
fate | fate | |
father | fathers | father |
fatten | fattens, fattened, fattening, | fatten |
fault | faultless, faulty | fault |
favour | favourable, favourably | favour |
favourite | favourites | favourite |
fear | fears, feared, fearful, fearless | fear |
feast | feasts, feasting | feast |
feather | feathers | feather |
february | february | |
feed | feeds, feed, feeding | feed |
feel | feels, felt, feeling | feel |
fellow | fellows, fellowship | fellow |
female | females | female |
fence | fences | fence |
fever | fevers, feverish, feverishly | fever |
few | few | |
field | fields | field |
fierce | fiercely | fierce |
fifteen | fifteenth | fifteen |
fifty | fiftieth | fifty |
fight | fights, fighter | fight |
figure | figures | figure |
fill | fills, filled, filling | fill |
film | films | film |
find | finds, found, finding | find |
fine | finely, fineness | fine |
finger | fingers | finger |
finish | finishes, finished, finishing | finish |
fire | fires, firing | fire |
firm | firmly, firmness | firm |
first | first | |
fish | fisherman | fish |
fit | fits, fitting, fitness | fit |
five | fifth | five |
fix | fixes, fixed, fixing | fix |
flag | flags | flag |
flame | flames, flaming | flame |
flash | flashes, flashed, flashing | flash |
flat | flatten | flat |
flavour | flavours | flavour |
flesh | flesh | |
float | floats, floating, floated | float |
flood | floods | flood |
floor | floors | floor |
flour | flour | |
flow | flows, flowing, flowed, overflow | flow |
flower | flowers | flower |
fly | flies, flew, flying | fly |
fold | folds, folded, folding | fold |
follow | follows, followed, following | follow |
fond | fond | |
food | food | |
fool | fools, foolish, foolishness | fool |
foot | feet, football, foothold, footpath, footprint, footstep, footnote | foot |
for | for | |
forbid | forbids, forbidden | forbid |
force | forces, forcing, forced | force |
foreign | foreigner | foreign |
forest | forests | forest |
forget | forgets, forgot, forgetting, forgotten, forgetful, forgetfulness | forget |
forgive | forgives, forgave, forgiveness | forgive |
fork | forks | fork |
form | forms, formed, forming | form |
formal | formally, formality | formal |
former | formerly | former |
forty | fortieth | forty |
four | fourth | four |
fourteen | fourteenth | fourteen |
fortune | fortunes, fortunate, fortunately | fortune |
forward | forwards | forward |
frame | frames, framework | frame |
free | freedom, freely | free |
freeze | freezes, froze, freezing | freeze |
frequency | frequencies | frequency |
frequent | frequent | |
fresh | fresh | |
friend | friends | friend |
friday | friday | |
fright | fright | |
from | from | |
front | front | |
fruit | fruit | |
fry | fries, fried, frying | fry |
full | full | |
fun | funny | fun |
funeral | funerals | funeral |
fur | fur | |
furnish | furniture | furnish |
further | further | |
future | future | |
gain | gains, gained, gaining | gain |
gallon | gallons | gallon |
game | games | game |
gap | gaps | gap |
garage | garages | garage |
garden | gardens, gardener | garden |
gas | gases | gas |
gate | gates, gateway | gate |
gather | gathers, gathered, gathering | gather |
gay | gaiety, gaily | gay |
general | generally | general |
generous | generosity, generously | generous |
gentle | gentleness, gently, gentleman | gentle |
get | gets, got | get |
girl | girls | girl |
give | gives, given, gift | give |
glad | gladly | glad |
glass | glasses, glassy | glass |
glory | glorious, gloriously | glory |
go | goes, gone | go |
goat | goats | goat |
god | gods, goddess, godfather, godmother | god |
gold | gold-dust, goldfish, gold-leaf, gold-mine, goldsmith, golden | gold |
good | good-bye, good day, good nature, goodness, goodnight, goodwill | good |
govern | governs, governed, governing, government, governor | govern |
grace | graceful | grace |
gradual | gradually | gradual |
grain | grains | grain |
grammar | grammatical | grammar |
grand | grand | |
grass | grassy | grass |
grateful | grateful | |
grave | graves, gravestone | grave |
grease | greasy | grease |
great | greatcoat, greatly, greatness | great |
greed | greedy, greedily | greed |
green | green | |
greet | greeting | greet |
grey | grey | |
grind | grinds, ground, grindstone | grind |
ground | grounds, ground-floor, groundwork | ground |
group | groups | group |
grow | grows, growing, grown, growth, grown-up | grow |
guard | guards | guard |
guess | guesses, guessing, guessed | guess |
guest | guests | guest |
guide | guides | guide |
guilty | guilt, guiltless | guilty |
gun | guns, gunboat, gunner, gunpowder | gun |
habit | habits | habit |
hair | hair | |
half | halve, half-hour, half-pay | half |
hall | halls | hall |
hammer | hammers, hammered, hammering | hammer |
hand | hands, handful, handshake, handwriting | hand |
handkerchief | handkerchiefs | handkerchief |
handle | handles | handle |
hang | hangs, hanged, hung, hanging | hang |
happen | happens, happened, happening | happen |
happy | happily | happy |
harbour | harbours | harbour |
hard | harden, hardness | hard |
hardly | hardly | |
harm | harmful, harmless | harm |
harvest | harvest | |
haste | hasten, hastily, hasty | haste |
hat | hats | hat |
hate | hates, hated, hateful, hatred | hate |
have | has, had | have |
hay | hay | |
he | he | |
head | heads, headed, heading, headache, head-dress | head |
heal | heals, healed, healing | heal |
health | health | health |
heap | heaps | heap |
hear | hears, hearing, heard, hearer | hear |
heart | hearts | heart |
heat | heating | heat |
heaven | heavenly | heaven |
heavy | heavily | heavy |
height | height | |
hello | hello | |
help | helps, helped, helper, helpful, helpless | help |
here | here | |
hesitate | hesitates, hesitated, hesitation | hesitate |
hide | hides, hid, hiding | hide |
high | highland, highly, highroad, highway, height, heights, heighten | high |
hill | hills, hillside, hill-top, hilly | hill |
hinder | hinders, hindered, hindering, hindrance | hinder |
hire | hires, hired, hiring | hire |
his | his | |
history | history | |
hit | hits | hit |
hold | holds, held, holding, holder | hold |
hole | holes | hole |
holiday | holidays | holiday |
hollow | hollows | hollow |
holy | holiness | holy |
home | homes, home-made, homeless | home |
honest | honestly, honesty | honest |
honour | honourable, dishonour, dishonourable | honour |
hook | hooks | hook |
hope | hopes, hoped, hopeful, hopeless | hope |
horizon | horizons, horizontal | horizon |
horse | horses, horseback, horseman, horseshoe | horse |
hospital | hospitals | hospital |
host | hosts, hostess | host |
hot | hotly | hot |
hotel | hotels | hotel |
hour | hours, hourly | hour |
house | houses, household, householder, house-keeper, house-keeping, housewife | house |
how | however | how |
human | humans | human |
humble | humbly | humble |
hundred | hundredth | hundred |
hunger | hungry | hunger |
hunt | hunts, hunting, hunted, hunting, hunter | hunt |
hurrah | hurrah | |
hurry | hurries, hurried, hurrying | hurry |
hurt | hurts, hurting | hurt |
husband | husband | |
hut | huts | hut |
I | I | |
ice | icy | ice |
idea | ideas | idea |
ideal | ideal | |
idle | idleness, idly | idle |
if | if | |
ill | illness | ill |
imagine | imaginary, imagination, imaginative | imagine |
imitate | imitates, imitated, imitating, imitation | imitate |
immediate | immediately | immediate |
immense | immense | |
important | importance | important |
impossible | impossible | |
improve | improves, improved, improving, improved, improvement | improve |
in | inborn, indoor, inward | in |
inch | inches | inch |
include | includes, included, including, inclusive | include |
increase | increases, increased, increasing | increase |
indeed | indeed | |
independent | independently, independence | independent |
industry | industries, industrial | industry |
influence | influences, influential | influence |
inform | informs, informed, informing, information | inform |
ink | inky | ink |
in-law | in-law | |
inn | inn | |
inquire | inquires, inquired, inquiring, inquiry | inquire |
insect | insects | insect |
inside | inside | |
instant | instantly | instant |
instead | instead | |
instrument | instruments, instrumental | instrument |
insult | insults, insulted, insulting | insult |
insure | insures, insured, insuring, insurance | insure |
intend | intends, intended, intending, intention, intentional, intentionally | intend |
interest | interesting | interest |
interfere | interferes, interfered, interfering, interference | interfere |
international | international | |
interrupt | interrupts, interrupted, interrupting, interruption | interrupt |
into | into | |
introduce | introduces, introduced, introducing, introduction | introduce |
invent | invents, invented, inventing, invention, inventor | invent |
invite | invited, invites, inviting, invitation | invite |
inward | inwards, inwardly | inward |
iron | iron-age, iron-mine, iron-ore, iron-work | iron |
island | islands | island |
it | it | |
its | its | |
january | january | |
jaw | jaws | jaw |
jealous | jealousy | jealous |
jewel | jewels | jewel |
join | joins, joined, joint, jointly | join |
joint | joints | joint |
joke | jokes | joke |
journey | journeys | journey |
joy | joyful | joy |
judge | judges, judgment | judge |
juice | juicy | juice |
july | july | |
jump | jumps, jumped, jumping | jump |
june | june | |
just | justice, justly, unjust, unjustly | just |
keep | keeps, kept, keeping, keeper | keep |
key | keys | key |
kick | kicks, kicked, kicking | kick |
kill | kills, killed, killing | kill |
kind | unkind, kindly, kindness | kind |
king | kings, kingdom | king |
kiss | kisses, kissed, kissing | kiss |
kitchen | kitchens | kitchen |
knee | knees | knee |
knife | knives | knife |
knock | knocks, knocked, knocking | knock |
knot | knots | knot |
know | knows, knew, knowing, knowledge | know |
lack | lacks, lacked, lacking | lack |
ladder | ladders | ladder |
lady | ladies | lady |
lake | lakes | lake |
lamp | lamps | lamp |
land | lands, landed, landing, landlord | land |
language | languages | language |
large | largely | large |
last | last | |
late | lately | late |
latter | latter | |
laugh | laughs, laughed, laughing, laughter, laughable | laugh |
law | laws, lawful, unlawful, lawfully, unlawfully, lawless, lawyer | law |
lay | lays, laid | lay |
lazy | lazy | |
lead | leads, led, leading, leader, leadership | lead |
leaf | leaves, leafless, leafy | leaf |
lean | leans, leaned, leant, leaning | lean |
learn | learns, learned, learning | learn |
least | least | |
leather | leather | |
leave | leaves, left, leaving | leave |
left | left | |
leg | legs | leg |
lend | lends, lent | lend |
length | length | |
less | lessen, lessening | less |
lesson | lessons | lesson |
let | let | |
letter | letters | letter |
level | levels | level |
liberty | liberty | |
library | libraries, librarian | library |
lid | lids | lid |
lie | lies, lying, liar | lie |
life | lives | life |
lift | lifts | lift |
light | lights, lighter, light-house, lighten, light-hearted, lightly, lightness, light-weight | light |
like | likes, liked, liking, alike, unlike | like |
likely | unlikely | likely |
limb | limbs | limb |
limit | limits, limitation | limit |
line | lines | line |
lip | lips, lipstick | lip |
liquid | liquid | |
list | lists | list |
listen | listened, listens, listening, listener | listen |
literature | literary | literature |
little | little | |
live | lives, living, life-boat, lifeless, life-like, life-long, life-size | live |
load | load | |
loaf | loaves | loaf |
loan | loans | loan |
local | locally | local |
lock | locks, locked, locking, unlock | lock |
lodging | lodging | |
log | logs | log |
lonely | loneliness | lonely |
long | long-lived, long-sighted, long-suffering | long |
look | looks, looked, looking, look-out | look |
loose | loosely, loosen | loose |
lord | lords | lord |
lose | loses, losing, lost, loss | lose |
loss | loss | |
lot | lot | |
loud | loudly | loud |
love | loves, loved, lovable, lover, loving, lovingly | love |
low | lower, lowland | low |
loyal | loyalty | loyal |
luck | luck, unlucky, unluckily | luck |
lump | lumps | lump |
lunch | lunches | lunch |
lung | lungs | lung |
machine | machines, machinery | machine |
mad | madly, madman, madness, madden | mad |
main | mainly, mainland | main |
make | makes, made, making, maker, make-up | make |
male | males | male |
man | men, manhood, mankind | man |
manage | manages, managed, managing, management, manager | manage |
manners | manners | |
manufacture | manufactures | manufacture |
many | many | |
map | maps | map |
march | marches, marching, marched | march |
mark | marks, marked, marking | mark |
market | markets | market |
marry | marries, marrying, married | marry |
mass | mass-meeting | mass |
master | masters, mastered, mastering, masterful, masterly, masterpiece, mastery | master |
mat | mats | mat |
match | matches | match |
material | materials | material |
matter | matters | matter |
may | may | |
meal | meals | meal |
mean | meant, meaning, means | mean |
meanwhile | meantime | meanwhile |
measure | measurement | measure |
meat | meat | |
mechanic | mechanics, mechanical, mechanically, mechanism | mechanic |
medicine | medicines, medical, medically | medicine |
meet | meets, met, meeting | meet |
melt | melts, melted, melting | melt |
member | members, membership | member |
memory | memorial, memorise | memory |
mend | mends, mended, mending | mend |
mention | mentioned, mentions, mentioning | mention |
merchant | merchants | merchant |
mercy | merciful, merciless | mercy |
mere | merely | mere |
merry | merrily | merry |
message | messages, messenger | message |
metal | metals | metal |
middle | middle-age, middle-aged, middle-class, middleman, mid-air, midday, midland, mid-night | middle |
might | might | |
mild | mildly, mildness | mild |
mile | miles, mileage, milestone | mile |
milk | milkmaid, milkman, milk-white, milky | milk |
mill | mills, miller, mill-stone | mill |
mind | minds, minded, minding | mind |
mine | mines, miner, mineral | mine |
minister | ministers | minister |
minute | minutes | minute |
mis- | misadventure, misapply, miscalculate, mischance, misconduct, misdirect, misfit, misconduct, misdirect, misfit, misfortune, misgovern, misguided, misinformed, mislead, mistrust, misunderstand, misuse | mis- |
miserable | miserably, misery | miserable |
miss | misses, missed, missing | miss |
mistake | mistakes, unmistakably | mistake |
mix | mixes, mixed, mixture | mix |
model | models | model |
moderate | moderately, moderation | moderate |
modern | modernise | modern |
modest | modestly, modesty | modest |
moment | moments, momentary, momentarily | moment |
monday | monday | |
money | money | |
monkey | monkeys | monkey |
month | months, monthly | month |
moon | moons, moonlight | moon |
moral | immoral, immorality, morality, morally | moral |
more | more | |
moreover | moreover | |
morning | morning | morning |
most | mostly | most |
mother | mothers, motherhood, motherly, mother-tongue | mother |
motion | motion | |
motor | motors | motor |
mountain | mountains, mount, mountainous | mountain |
mouse | mice | mouse |
mouth | mouths, mouthful | mouth |
move | moves, movement | move |
much | much | |
mud | muddy | mud |
multiply | multiplies, multiplied, multiplication | multiply |
murder | murder | |
music | musical, musician | music |
must | must | |
my | mine, myself | my |
mystery | mysterious | mystery |
nail | nails | nail |
name | names, nameless, namely | name |
narrow | narrowly | narrow |
nation | nations, national | nation |
native | natives | native |
nature | natural, naturally | nature |
near | nearly | near |
neat | neatly, neatness | neat |
necessary | necessarily, necessity, unnecessary | necessary |
neck | necks, necklace, necktie | neck |
need | needs, needed, needing, needless, needy | need |
needle | needles | needle |
neglect | neglects, neglected | neglect |
neighbour | neighbours, neighbouring, neighbourhood | neighbour |
neither | neither | |
nephew | nephews | nephew |
nest | nests | nest |
net | nets, network | net |
never | never | |
new | new-born, newly, news, newspaper | new |
next | next | |
nice | nicely | nice |
niece | nieces | niece |
night | nights, goodnight, tonight | night |
nine | ninth | nine |
ninety | ninetieth | ninety |
nineteen | nineteenth | nineteen |
no | nobody, nowhere, nonsense, nonsensical, nonexistent | no |
noble | nobleman, nobleness, nobly | noble |
noise | noises, noisy | noise |
none | none | |
nonsense | nonsense | |
noon | noon | |
nor | nor | |
north | north-east, northern, northwards, north-west | north |
nose | noses | nose |
not | not | |
note | notes, noted, notebook, notepaper | note |
nothing | nothing | |
notice | notices, noticed, noticing, noticeable, notice board | notice |
noun | nouns | noun |
november | november | |
now | nowadays | now |
nowhere | nowhere | |
nuisance | nuisances | nuisance |
number | numbers, numerous | number |
nurse | nurses, nursery | nurse |
nut | nuts | nut |
oar | oars | oar |
obey | obeyed, obeys, obeying, obedience, obedient | obey |
object | objects, objected, objecting, objection, objectionable | object |
observe | observes, observed, observing | observe |
occasion | occasions, occasional, occasionally | occasion |
ocean | oceans | ocean |
october | october | |
of | of | |
off | off | |
offend | offends, offended, offending, offence | offend |
offer | offers, offering, offered | offer |
office | offices, officer, official | office |
often | often | |
oil | oily, oilily | oil |
old | older, oldest, old-fashioned | old |
omit | omits, omitted, omitting, omission | omit |
on | on | |
once | once | |
one | one-legged, oneness, one-sided, one way | one |
only | only | |
onto | onto | |
open | opens, opened, opening, opening, open-air, openly | open |
operation | operate, operates, operated, operating, operations | operation |
opinion | opinions | opinion |
opportunity | opportunities | opportunity |
opposite | opposites, oppose | opposite |
or | or | |
orange | oranges | orange |
order | orders, orderly | order |
ordinary | ordinarily | ordinary |
organ | organs | organ |
organise | organises, organising, organised, organisation | organise |
origin | original, originality, originally | origin |
ornament | ornaments | ornament |
other | others | other |
otherwise | otherwise | |
ought | ought | |
ounce | ounces | ounce |
our | ours | our |
out | outbreak, outburst, outcry, outdoor, outer, outflow, outgoing, outgrowth, outlet, outline, outside, outwards, outlook, outlying, output, outspoken, outstanding, outnumber, outweigh, outline, outside | out |
over | overbalance, overflow, overlook, oversight, overtake, overcoat, overgrown, overgrowth, overhanging, overcharge, overcrowd, overdo, overfeed, overestimate, overjoyed, overrate, overtime, overweight | over |
overcome | overcomes, overcame, overcoming | overcome |
owe | owes, owed, owing, owing to | owe |
own | owns, owned, owning, owner, ownership | own |
pack | packs, packed, packing, packing-case, package, packet | pack |
pad | pads, padded, padding | pad |
page | pages | page |
pain | pains, painful, painfully | pain |
paint | paints, painted, painter, painter | paint |
pair | pairs | pair |
pale | paleness | pale |
pan | pans | pan |
paper | paper | |
parcel | parcels | parcel |
pardon | pardoned, pardons, pardoning, unpardonable | pardon |
parent | parents, parental | parent |
park | parks | park |
part | parts, particle, partly, partner, partial, partially | part |
particular | in particular, particularly | particular |
party | parties | party |
pass | passes, passed, passing, past | pass |
passage | passages, passenger, passengers | passage |
past | past | |
paste | pastes, pasted, pasting, pastry | paste |
path | paths | path |
patient | patient, patients, patience, patiently | patient |
patriotic | patriotic | |
pattern | patterns | pattern |
pause | pauses | pause |
paw | paws | paw |
pay | pays, paying, paid, unpaid, payment | pay |
peace | peaceful | peace |
pearl | pearls | pearl |
peculiar | peculiarly | peculiar |
pen | pens | pen |
pencil | pencils | pencil |
penny | pennyworth | penny |
people | people | |
per | per | |
perfect | perfection, perfectly | perfect |
perform | performs, performed, performing, performer, performance | perform |
perhaps | perhaps | |
permanent | permanently | permanent |
permit | permits, permission | permit |
person | personal, personally | person |
persuade | persuades, persuaded, persuading, persuasion | persuade |
pet | pets | pet |
photograph | photographs, photographic, photography | photograph |
pick | picked, picks, picking, peck | pick |
picture | pictures | picture |
piece | pieces | piece |
pig | pigs | pig |
pigeon | pigeons | pigeon |
pile | piles | pile |
pin | pins | pin |
pinch | pinches | pinch |
pink | pink | |
pint | pints | pint |
pipe | pipes | pipe |
pity | pity | |
place | places, placed, placing | place |
plain | plainly | plain |
plan | plans, planned, planning | plan |
plant | plants, planter | plant |
plaster | plaster | |
plate | plates | plate |
play | plays, played, playing, player, playground, plaything | play |
please | pleasant, unpleasant, pleasure, displeasure | please |
plenty | plentiful | plenty |
plough | plough | |
plural | plural | |
pockets, pocket-book | ||
poet | poets, poetry, poem, poems, poetic | poet |
point | points, pointed, pointer | point |
poison | poisonous | poison |
police | policeman | police |
polish | polishes, polished, polishing | polish |
polite | politely, politeness | polite |
political | politically, politician, politics | political |
pool | pools | pool |
poor | poverty | poor |
popular | popularly, popularity | popular |
population | population | |
position | positions | position |
possess | possesses, possessed, possessing, possession, possessor | possess |
possible | possibly, possibility, impossible, impossibility | possible |
post | postage, postal, postman, postmaster, post-office | post |
postpone | postpone | |
pot | pots | pot |
pound | pounds | pound |
pour | pours, poured, pouring | pour |
poverty | poverty | |
powder | powdery | powder |
power | powerful | power |
practical | practically | practical |
practice | practise, practises, practised, practising | practice |
praise | praises, praised, praising | praise |
pray | prays, prayed, praying, prayer | pray |
preach | preaches, preached, preaching, preacher | preach |
precious | precious | |
prefer | prefers, preferred, preferring, preferable, preferably, preference | prefer |
prejudice | prejudiced, unprejudiced | prejudice |
prepare | prepares, prepared, preparing, preparation | prepare |
present | presents, presented, presenting, presence | present |
preserve | preserves, preserved, preserving, preservation | preserve |
president | presidents | president |
press | pressure | press |
pretend | pretends, pretending, pretended, pretence | pretend |
pretty | prettily, prettiness | pretty |
prevent | prevents, preventing, preventing, prevention, preventive | prevent |
price | prices | price |
pride | pride | |
priest | priests | priest |
prints, printed, printing, printer | ||
prison | prisons, prisoner, imprison | prison |
private | private | |
prize | prizes | prize |
probable | probably, probability | probable |
problem | problems | problem |
procession | processions | procession |
produce | produces, produced, producing, production | produce |
profession | professions, professional | profession |
profit | profits | profit |
programme | programmes | programme |
progress | progresses, progressed | progress |
promise | promised | promise |
prompt | promptly, promptness | prompt |
pronounce | pronounces, pronounced, pronouncing, pronunciation | pronounce |
proof | proofs | proof |
proper | properly, improper, improperly | proper |
property | property | |
propose | proposes, proposed, proposing, proposal | propose |
protect | protects, protected, protecting, protection | protect |
proud | proudly, pride | proud |
prove | proves, proved, proving, proof | prove |
provide | provides, provided, providing | provide |
public | publicly | public |
pull | pulls, pulled, pulling | pull |
pump | pumps, pumped, pumping | pump |
punctual | punctuality, punctually | punctual |
punish | punishes, punished, punishing, punishment | punish |
pupil | pupils | pupil |
pure | purely, purity, impure, impurity | pure |
purple | purple | |
purpose | purposes | purpose |
push | pushed, pushing, pushes | push |
put | puts, putting | put |
puzzle | puzzles, puzzling | puzzle |
qualify | qualifies, qualified, qualifying, qualification, qualifications | qualify |
quality | qualities | quality |
quantity | quantities | quantity |
quarrel | quarrels, quarrelled, quarrelling, quarrelsome | quarrel |
quart | quarts, quarterly, headquarters | quart |
quarter | quarters | quarter |
queen | queens | queen |
question | questions | question |
quick | quickly, quickness | quick |
quiet | quieten, quietly, quietness | quiet |
quite | quite | |
rabbit | rabbits | rabbit |
race | races | race |
radio | radios | radio |
rail | rails, railway | rail |
rain | rains, rained, raining, rainbow, rainfall, rainwater, rainy | rain |
raise | raises, raised, raising | raise |
rake | rakes, raking, raked | rake |
rank | ranks | rank |
rapid | rapidly, rapidity | rapid |
rare | rarely | rare |
rat | rats | rat |
rate | rates | rate |
rather | rather | |
raw | rawness | raw |
ray | rays | ray |
razor | razors | razor |
reach | reaches, reached, reaching | reach |
read | reads, reading, reader | read |
ready | ready-made | ready |
real | really, reality, realise, realisation | real |
reason | reasons, reasonable, reasonableness, reasonably | reason |
receive | receives, received, receiving, receiver, receipt | receive |
recent | recently | recent |
recognise | recognises, recognised, recognising, recognition | recognise |
recommend | recommends, recommended, recommending, recommendation | recommend |
record | records, recorded, recording | record |
red | redden, reddish, red-hot | red |
reduc | reduces, reduced, reducing, reduction | reduce |
refer | referring, referred, refers, reference | refer |
reflect | reflects, reflecting, reflected, reflection | reflect |
refresh | refreshing, refreshed, refreshes, refreshing, refreshment, refreshments | refresh |
refuse | refuses, refused, refusing, refusal | refuse |
regard | regards, regarded, regarding, regardless, disregard | regard |
regret | regrets, regretted, regretting | regret |
regular | regularly, regularity, irregular, irregularly, irregularity | regular |
rejoice | rejoices, rejoiced, rejoicing, rejoicing | rejoice |
relation | relations, relative, relatives | relation |
relieve | relieves, relieved, relieving, relief | relieve |
religion | religions, religious | religion |
remain | remains, remained, remaining, remains | remain |
remark | remarks, remarked, remarking | remark |
remedy | remedies | remedy |
remember | remembers, remembered, remembering | remember |
remind | reminds, reminding, reminded | remind |
rent | rents, renting, rented | rent |
repair | repairs, repaired, repairing | repair |
repeat | repeats, repeated, repeating | repeat |
replace | replaces, replaced, replacing, irreplaceable | replace |
reply | replies, replied, replying | reply |
report | reports, reported, reporting, reporter | report |
represent | represents, represented, representing, representative | represent |
reproduce | reproduces, reproduced, reproducing, reproduction | reproduce |
republic | republics | republic |
reputation | reputations | reputation |
request | requests | request |
rescue | rescues, rescued, rescuing | rescue |
reserve | reserves, reserved, reserving | reserve |
resign | resigned, resigns, resigning, resignation | resign |
resist | resists, resisting, resisted, resistance | resist |
respect | respectful, disrespect | respect |
responsible | responsibility | responsible |
rest | rests, rested, resting | rest |
restaurant | restaurants | restaurant |
result | results | result |
retire | retires, retired, retiring, retirement | retire |
return | returns, returned, returning | return |
revenge | revenge | |
review | reviews, reviewed, reviewing | review |
reward | rewards, rewarded, rewarding | reward |
ribbon | ribbons | ribbon |
rice | rice | |
rich | riches | rich |
rid | rids | rid |
ride | rides, riding, rode, riding | ride |
right | right angle, rightly | right |
ring | ringed | ring |
ripe | ripen | ripe |
rise | rises, rose, risen, rising | rise |
risk | risks, risked, risking, risky | risk |
rival | rivals, rivalry | rival |
river | rivers | river |
road | roads, roadside | road |
roar | roars, roared, roaring | roar |
roast | roast, roasting, roasted | roast |
rob | robs, robbed, robbing | rob |
rock | rocks, rocked, rocking | rock |
rod | rods | rod |
roll | rolls, rolled, rolling, roller | roll |
roof | roofs | roof |
room | rooms | room |
root | roots | root |
rope | ropes | rope |
rot | rots, rotted, rotten | rot |
rough | roughly, roughness | rough |
round | roundabout | round |
row | rows, rowed, rowing | row |
royal | royalty | royal |
rub | rubs, rubbed, rubbing | rub |
rubber | rubber | |
rubbish | rubbish | |
rude | rudely, rudeness | rude |
rug | rugs | rug |
ruin | ruins | ruin |
rule | ruled, rules, ruling | rule |
ruler | rulers | ruler |
run | runs, ran, running, runner | run |
rush | rushes, rushed, rushing | rush |
rust | rusty | rust |
sacred | sacred | |
sacrifice | sacrifices | sacrifice |
sad | sadden, sadly, sadness | sad |
saddle | saddles | saddle |
safe | safety, save, saves, saved, saving | safe |
sail | sails, sailed, sailing, sailor | sail |
sake | sake | |
salary | salaries, salaried | salary |
sale | sales, salesman | sale |
salt | salt | |
same | same | |
sample | samples | sample |
sand | sandbank, sandhill, sandy | sand |
satisfy | satisfies, satisfied, satisfying, dissatisfy, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, satisfactory, unsatisfactory | satisfy |
saturday | saturday | |
sauce | sauce | |
saucer | saucers | saucer |
save | saves, saving, saved | save |
saw | saws, sawed, sawn, sawdust, sawmill | saw |
say | says, said, saying | say |
scale | scales | scale |
scarce | scarcity, scarcely | scarce |
scatter | scatters, scattered, scattering, scenery | scatter |
scene | scenes | scene |
scent | scent | |
school | schools | school |
science | sciences, scientific, scientist | science |
scissors | scissors | |
scold | scolds, scolded, scolding | scold |
scorn | scornful | scorn |
scrape | scrapes, scraped, scraping | scrape |
scratch | scratches, scratched, scratching | scratch |
screen | screens, screened, screening | screen |
screw | screws, screwed, screwing | screw |
sea | seas, sea-bathing, sea-coast, sea-level, seaman, seaport,
sea-power, sea-shell, sea-voyage, sea-wall, sea-water, sea-weed |
sea |
search | searches, searched, searching | search |
season | seasons | season |
seat | seats | seat |
second | seconds, second-hand, secondly | second |
secret | secrets, secrecy | secret |
secretary | secretaries | secretary |
see | sees, seen, seeing | see |
seed | seeds | seed |
seem | seems, seemed, seeming | seem |
seize | seizes, seized, seizing | seize |
seldom | seldom | |
self | self-conscious, self-contained, self-control, self-defence, self-governing, self-government, self-interest, selfish, unselfish, self-respect, self-sacrifice | self |
sell | sells, sold, selling, seller | sell |
send | sends, sent, sending | send |
sense | senses, senseless, insensible, sensitive, sensation, senseless, sensible, sensibly | sense |
sentence | sentences | sentence |
separate | separately, separation | separate |
september | september | |
serious | seriously | serious |
serve | serves, served, serving, servant, service | serve |
set | sets, setting | set |
settle | settled, settles, settling, settlement, settler | settle |
seven | seventh | seven |
seventeen | seventeenth | seventeen |
seventy | seventieth | seventy |
several | several | |
severe | severe | |
sew | sews, sewing, sewn | sew |
shade | shades, shady | shade |
shadow | shadows, shadowy | shadow |
shake | shakes, shaken, shaking | shake |
shall | should | shall |
shallow | shallowness | shallow |
shame | shames, shamed, shaming, shameful, shameless | shame |
shape | shapes, shaped, shaping, shapeless | shape |
share | shares, shared, sharing | share |
sharp | sharpen, sharpens, sharpened, sharpening, sharply | sharp |
shave | shaves, shaved, shaving, shaving | shave |
she | she | |
sheep | sheep | |
sheet | sheets | sheet |
shelf | shelves | shelf |
shell | shells, shell-fish | shell |
shelter | shelter | |
shield | shields, shielded, shielding | shield |
shilling | shillings | shilling |
shine | shines, shone, shining, shining, sunshine | shine |
ship | ships, shipbuilding, shipment, shipper, shipwreck | ship |
shirt | shirts | shirt |
shock | shocks, shocked, shocking | shock |
shoe | shoe, shoed, shoe-maker | shoe |
shoot | shot, shoots, shooting, shot-gun | shoot |
shop | shops, shopkeeper, shopkeeping, shop window | shop |
shore | shores | shore |
short | shorten, shortness, short sight | short |
should | should | |
shoulder | shoulders | shoulder |
shout | shouts, shouted, shouting | shout |
show | shows, shown, showing, showy | show |
shower | showers | shower |
shut | shuts, shutting | shut |
sick | sickness, sick-room | sick |
side | sides, sideways | side |
sight | sight-seeing | sight |
sign | signs, signature | sign |
signal | signals | signal |
silence | silent | silence |
silk | silkworm, silky | silk |
silver | silvery | silver |
simple | simplicity, simply | simple |
since | since | |
sincere | sincerely | sincere |
sing | sings, sang, sung, singer, song | sing |
single | singly | single |
sir | sir | |
six | sixth | six |
sixty | sixtieth | sixty |
sixteen | sixteenth | sixteen |
sister | sisters, sister-in-law | sister |
sit | sits, sat, sitting, sitting-room | sit |
situation | situations | situation |
size | sizes | size |
skill | skills, skilled, skilful, skilfully | skill |
skin | skins | skin |
skirt | skirts | skirt |
sky | skies | sky |
slave | slaves, slavery | slave |
sleep | sleeps, slept, sleeping, sleepless, sleepiness | sleep |
slide | slides, slid, sliding | slide |
slight | slightly | slight |
slip | slips, slipped, slipping, slippery | slip |
slope | slopes, sloped, sloping | slope |
slow | slowly, slow-moving, slowness | slow |
small | smallness | small |
smell | smells, smelled, smelling | smell |
smile | smiles, smiled, smiling | smile |
smoke | smokes, smoked, smoker, smoky | smoke |
smooth | smoothly, smoothness | smooth |
snake | snakes | snake |
snow | snow-shoes, snow-storm, snow-white, snowy | snow |
so | so-called | so |
soap | soapy | soap |
society | social, socially, societies | society |
sock | socks | sock |
soft | soften, softness, softly | soft |
soil | soil | |
soldier | soldiers | soldier |
solemn | solemnly | solemn |
solid | solidly | solid |
solve | solves, solved, solving, solution | solve |
some | somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhere | some |
son | sons | son |
soon | as soon as, sooner | soon |
sore | sore | |
sorrow | sorrow | |
sorry | sorrowful, sorrowfully | sorry |
sort | sort | |
soul | souls | soul |
sound | sounds | sound |
soup | soup | |
sour | sour | |
south | south-east, south-eastern, southern, southward, south-west, south-western | south |
sow | sows, sown, sowing | sow |
space | spaced, spacing, spaces | space |
spade | spades | spade |
spare | spare | |
speak | speaks, speaker, speech | speak |
special | specially | special |
speed | speed | |
spell | spells, spelled, spelling | spell |
spend | spends, spent, spending | spend |
spill | spills, spilling | spill |
spin | spins, spinning, spun, spinning-wheel | spin |
spirit | spirits | spirit |
spit | spits, spat, spitting | spit |
spite | spite | |
splendid | splendidly | splendid |
split | splits, splitting | split |
spoil | spoils, spoilt, spoiling | spoil |
spoon | spoons, spoonful | spoon |
sport | sports, sporting, sportsman | sport |
spot | spots, spotted, spotless | spot |
spread | spreads, spreading | spread |
spring | springs, sprang, sprung, spring-time | spring |
square | square | |
staff | staff | |
stage | stages | stage |
stain | stains | stain |
stair | stairs, staircase | stair |
stamp | stamps | stamp |
stand | stands, standing, stood | stand |
standard | standards, standardise | standard |
star | stars | star |
start | starts, started, starting | start |
state | states, stated, stating, statement | state |
station | stations | station |
stay | stays, stayed, staying | stay |
steady | steadily | steady |
steal | steals, stole, stolen | steal |
steam | steam-boat, steam-engine, steamer, steamship | steam |
steel | steel | |
steep | steep | |
steer | steers, steered, steering | steer |
stem | stems | stem |
step | steps, stepping-stone | step |
stick | sticks, sticky | stick |
stiff | stiffen, stiffly, stiffness | stiff |
still | stillness | still |
sting | stings, stung | sting |
stir | stirs, stirred, stirring | stir |
stock | stocks | stock |
stocking | stockings | stocking |
stomach | stomachs | stomach |
stone | stones | stone |
stop | stops, stopped, stopping, stoppage, stopper | stop |
store | stores, stored, storing, store-house, store-keeper, store-room | store |
storm | storms, stormy | storm |
story | stories, story-teller, story-telling | story |
stove | stoves | stove |
straight | straighten | straight |
strange | strangely, strangeness, stranger | strange |
strap | straps | strap |
straw | straws | straw |
stream | streams | stream |
street | streets | street |
strength | strength | |
stretch | stretches, stretched, stretching | stretch |
strict | strictly | strict |
strike | strikes, struck, striking, stroke | strike |
string | strings | string |
strip | strip | |
stripe | striped | stripe |
strong | strongly, strength | strong |
struggle | struggles | struggle |
study | studies, studying, studied | study |
stuff | stuff | |
stupid | stupidity, stupidly | stupid |
subject | subjects | subject |
substance | substances | substance |
succeed | succeeds, succeeded, succeeding, successful, successfully | succeed |
success | successes | success |
such | such | |
suck | sucks, sucked, sucking | suck |
sudden | suddenly | sudden |
suffer | suffers, suffering, sufferer | suffer |
sugar | sugar | |
suggest | suggests, suggested, suggesting, suggestion | suggest |
suit | suits, suited, suited | suit |
summer | summer | |
sun | suns, sunbeam, sunburnt, sunlight, sunny, sunrise, sunset, sunshine | sun |
sunday | sunday | |
supper | suppers | supper |
supply | supplies, supplying, supplied | supply |
support | supports, supporting, supported | support |
suppose | suppose | |
sure | surely | sure |
surface | surfaces | surface |
surprise | surprises, surprising, surprisingly | surprise |
surround | surrounds, surrounded, surrounding, surroundings | surround |
suspect | suspects, suspected, suspecting, suspicion, suspicious, suspiciously | suspect |
swallow | swallowed, swallowing, swallows | swallow |
swear | swears, swearing, swore, sworn | swear |
sweat | sweat | |
sweep | sweeps, swept, sweeping | sweep |
sweet | sweeten, sweetly | sweet |
swell | swells, swelled, swelling | swell |
swim | swims, swam, swum, swimming | swim |
swing | swings, swung, swinging | swing |
sword | swords | sword |
sympathy | sympathetic, sympathetically, sympathise, sympathises | sympathy |
system | systems, systematic, systematically | system |
table | tables | table |
tail | tails | tail |
tailor | tailors | tailor |
take | takes, took, taken, taking | take |
talk | talked, talking, talks | talk |
tall | tall | |
tame | tame | |
tap | taps, tapped, tapping | tap |
taste | tastes, tasted, tasting, tasteless | taste |
tax | taxes, taxed, taxing | tax |
taxi | taxis | taxi |
tea | tea | |
teach | teaches, taught, teaching, teachings, teacher | teach |
tear | tears, tore, torn, tearing | tear |
telegraph | telegraph | |
telephone | telephones | telephone |
tell | tells, told, telling | tell |
temper | temper | |
temperature | temperature | |
temple | temples | temple |
tempt | tempts, tempter, temptation | tempt |
tend | tends, tended, tending, tendency | tend |
tender | tenderly, tenderness | tender |
tent | tents | tent |
ten | tenth | ten |
term | terms | term |
terrible | terribly | terrible |
test | testing, tests, tested | test |
than | than | |
thank | thanks, thankful | thank |
that | that | |
the | the | |
theatre | theatres, theatrical | theatre |
their | theirs | their |
then | then | |
there | there | |
therefore | therefore | |
these | these | |
they | they | |
thick | thickly, thicken, thickness | thick |
thief | thieves | thief |
thin | thinly, thinness | thin |
thing | things | thing |
think | thinks, thought, thinking, thinker | think |
thirst | thirsty | thirst |
thirteen | thirteenth | thirteen |
thirty | thirtieth | thirty |
this | these | this |
thorn | thorns | thorn |
thorough | thoroughly | thorough |
those | those | |
though | although | though |
thought | thoughts, thoughtful, thoughtfulness, thoughtless | thought |
thousand | thousandth | thousand |
thursday | thursday | |
threads, thread | threads, thread | |
threaten | threatens, threatening, threatened | threaten |
three | third | three |
throat | throats | throat |
through | throughout | through |
throw | throws, thrown, threw, throwing | throw |
thumb | thumbs | thumb |
thunder | thunder | |
thus | thus | |
ticket | tickets | ticket |
tide | tides, tidal | tide |
tidy | tidies, tidied, tidying | tidy |
tie | ties, tied, tying | tie |
tight | tighten, tightens, tightened, tightening, tightly | tight |
till | until | till |
time | times, timely | time |
tin | tins, tinned | tin |
tip | tips, tipped, tipping | tip |
tire | tires, tiring, tired | tire |
title | titles | title |
to | to | |
tobacco | tobacco | |
today | today | |
toe | toes | toe |
together | together | |
tomorrow | tomorrow | |
ton | ton | |
tongue | tongues | tongue |
tonight | tonight | |
too | too | |
tool | tools | tool |
tooth | teeth | tooth |
top | top | |
total | totals, totally | total |
touch | touches, touched, touching | touch |
tough | tough | |
tour | tours, tourist | tour |
toward | towards | toward |
towel | towels | towel |
tower | towers | tower |
town | towns, town-hall | town |
toy | toys | toy |
track | tracks, tracked, tracking | track |
trade | trades, trading, trader, tradesman | trade |
train | trains, trained, training | train |
translate | translates, translated, translating, translation, translator | translate |
trap | traps, trapped, trapping, trapper | trap |
travel | travels, travelled, travelling | travel |
tray | trays | tray |
treasure | treasurer, treasurers | treasure |
treat | treats, treated, treating | treat |
tree | trees | tree |
tremble | trembles | tremble |
trial | trials | trial |
tribe | tribes | tribe |
trick | tricks | trick |
trip | trips | trip |
trouble | troubles, troubled, troublesome | trouble |
true | truly, truth, truthful, truthfulness | true |
trunk | trunks | trunk |
trust | trusts, trusted, trusting, entrust, trustee | trust |
try | tries, tried, trying, trial | try |
tube | tubes | tube |
tuesday | tuesday | |
tune | tunes | tune |
turn | turns, turning, turn-over, turning-point | turn |
twelve | twelfth | twelve |
twenty | twentieth | twenty |
twist | twists, twisted, twisting | twist |
two | second | two |
type | types, typed, typing, typewriter, typewrite, typist | type |
ugly | ugly | |
umbrella | umbrellas | umbrella |
uncle | uncles | uncle |
under | underneath, underclothing, underfeed, undergraduate, underground, underline, undersell | under |
understand | understands, understood, understanding | understand |
union | unions, unit, unite, unity | union |
universe | universal | universe |
university | universities | university |
unless | unless | |
until | until | |
up | uphill, uppermost, upside-down, upstairs, uphold, upkeep, uplift, uproot | up |
upon | upon | |
upper | uppermost | upper |
upright | upright | |
upset | upsets, upsetting | upset |
upward | upwards | upward |
urge | urges, urged, urging, urgent, urgently | urge |
use | uses, used, using, useful, usefulness, useless, user | use |
usual | usually | usual |
vain | vainly | vain |
valley | valleys | valley |
value | values, valuable, valueless | value |
various | variously | various |
veil | veils | veil |
verb | verbs | verb |
verse | verses | verse |
very | very | |
vessel | vessels | vessel |
victory | victories, victorious | victory |
view | views | view |
village | villages | village |
violent | violence, violently | violent |
virtue | virtuous | virtue |
visit | visits, visiting, visitor | visit |
voice | voices | voice |
vote | votes, voted, voting, voter | vote |
vowel | vowels | vowel |
voyage | voyages | voyage |
wage | wages | wage |
waist | waists, waistcoat | waist |
wait | waits, waited, waiting, waiter, waitress | wait |
wake | wakes, woke, waking | wake |
walk | walks, walked, walking, walking-stick | walk |
wall | walls | wall |
wander | wanders, wandered, wandering | wander |
want | wants, wanted, wanting | want |
war | wars | war |
warm | warmly, warmth | warm |
warn | warns, warned, warning | warn |
wash | washes, washed, washing | wash |
waste | wastes, wasted, wasting, wasteful, wastefulness | waste |
watch | watches, watched, watching, watchful, watchfulness | watch |
water | water-bottle, watercourse, waterfall, waterpipe, waterproof, water-tight, waterway, water-wheel, waterworks, watery | water |
wave | waves, waved, waving, wavy | wave |
wax | wax | |
way | ways, wayside, doorway, gateway | way |
we | we | |
weak | weaken, weakness | weak |
wealth | wealthy | wealth |
weapon | weapons | weapon |
wear | wears, wore, worn, worn-out | wear |
weather | weather | |
weave | weaves, wove, woven | weave |
wednesday | wednesday | |
weed | weeds | weed |
week | weeks, weekday, weekend, weekly | week |
weigh | weighs, weighed, weighing, weight | weigh |
welcome | welcomes, welcomed, welcoming | welcome |
well | well-bred, well-built, well-done, well-meaning, well-meant | well |
west | western, westward | west |
wet | wet | |
what | whatever | what |
wheat | wheat | |
wheel | wheels | wheel |
when | whenever | when |
where | wherever | where |
whether | whether | |
which | whichever | which |
while | whilst, meanwhile, worth-while | while |
whip | whips | whip |
whisper | whispers, whispering, whispered | whisper |
whistle | whistles, whistling | whistle |
white | white-hot, whiten, whiteness, whitewash | white |
who | whoever, whom | who |
whole | wholly | whole |
whose | whose | |
why | why | |
wicked | wickedly, wickedness | wicked |
wide | wide-awake, widely, widen, wide-spread, width | wide |
widow | widows | widow |
wife | wives | wife |
wild | wildly | wild |
will | willing, willingly, unwilling | will |
win | wins, won, winning | win |
wind | winds, wound, winding | wind |
window | windows | window |
wine | wines | wine |
wing | wings | wing |
winter | winters, wintry | winter |
wipe | wipes, wiped, wiping | wipe |
wire | wireless | wire |
wise | wisely, wisdom | wise |
wish | wishes, wished, wishing | wish |
with | with | |
within | within | |
without | without | |
witness | witnesses | witness |
woman | women | woman |
wonder | wonders, wondered, wondering, wonderful, wonderfully | wonder |
wood | woods, wooded, wooden, woodland, woodwork | wood |
wool | woollen, woolly | wool |
word | words | word |
work | works, worked, working, workings, workable, unworkable, worker, working-class, workman, workshop, workmanship | work |
world | world-wide, worldly, worldliness | world |
worm | worms | worm |
worry | worrying, worries, worried | worry |
worse | worsen | worse |
worship | worships, worshipped, worshipping | worship |
worst | worst | |
worth | worthless, worth-while | worth |
would | would | |
wound | wounds, wounding, wounded | wound |
wrap | wraps, wrapped, wrapping, wrapper | wrap |
wreck | wreck, wrecked, wrecking, wreckage, shipwreck | wreck |
wrist | wrists | wrist |
write | writes, wrote, writing, handwriting | write |
wrong | wrong-doer, wrong-doing, wrongly | wrong |
yard | yards | yard |
year | years, yearly, year-old | year |
yellow | yellowness | yellow |
yes | yes | |
yesterday | yesterday | |
yet | yet | |
yield | yields, yielding | yield |
you | your, yours, yourself | you |
young | youngster | young |
youth | youths, youthful | youth |
zero | zero |