Resources > Study materials
This page provides links to a wide range of Aquascript study materials. All relate to academic English and range from elementary to advanced.
Descriptive Reports
People & Places
Diagrams (العمليات)
Graphs (خط الرسوم البيانية)
Tables (جداول البيانات)
Opinion-based essays
Agree/Disagree (مع أو ضد)
Advantage/Disadvantage (مزايا وعيوب)
Cause/Effect (أسباب وآثار)
Problem/Solution (مشكلة وحلول)
Dictionary skills & worksheets
Creative writing expresses feelings, emotions, personal thoughts and ideas, in an imaginative way rather than just as a means of conveying information. It is argued that by practicing creative writing, academic writing competencies will improve. This is because to write creatively requires the manipulation of language in interesting and demanding ways in order to express uniquely personal sentiments.
Annotation skills
Text annotation is the practice of adding notes to a written text.* This can be done, for example, by adding comments in the margins and by underlining and/or highlighting key points and passages. There are said to be a number of distinct benefits. It focuses attention on the reading process, it flags (or “highlights”) sections for future reference and fundamentally, it helps form a deeper knowledge of text which, in turn, helps subsequent writing tasks. It is important to use highlighter pens when annotating source texts. Using a number of colours is advantageous because different colours can be used for different purposes (e.g., background information, causes, consequences).
* Text annotations are sometimes referred to as marginalia (hand-written notes made in the margins of books or manuscripts). Text annotation is comparable to metadata insofar as it provides additional insight/clarification about a text without actually altering the original.
Wolfe, J (2000). “Effects of Annotations on Student Readers and Writers”. Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Digital libraries: 19–26.
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