Writing styles ∞ Descriptive ∞ Opinion-based ∞ Creative ∞ Email communication
(الخلافات و التشابه (مماثل / بالضبط نفس / مختلف
When describing “information” (“facts and figures” “data”) provided in a table, you will need to write about the similarities and differences between the things being compared. There are a number of ways to do this. However, one of the most common is to use comparative and superlative adjectives.
Review: Adjectives | Comparative and superlative adjectives
For example, when describing the table below you would compare and contrast (the similarities and differences) between horses and camels:
A good descriptive report will have a minimum of three paragraphs: an introduction, one paragraph that describes the differences and one paragraph that describes the similarities and the ways in which the things being compared are exactly the same.
Overview: How to describe information shown in Tables
Key phrases: “Compare & Contrast” reports
Organisation: “Compare & Contrast” reports
Practice: Comparing and contrasting facts and figures
Table 01: Lions and Tigers
In this table two things are being compared. They are being compared in eight ways. Which is greater, the similarities or the differences between them?
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Table 02: The Dubai Mall and Deira City Center
In this table two of Dubai’s many shopping malls are being compared. By how many criteria are they being compared? Which is greater, the similarities or the differences between them?
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Table 03: iPad 4 vs. Windows Surface
In this table two tablet devices are being compared. By how many criteria are they being compared? Which is greater, the similarities or the differences between them?
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Table 04: Nissan 370 vs. Ford Mustang
In this table two sports cars are being compared. By how many criteria are they being compared? Which is greater, the similarities or the differences between them?
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Table 05: Employment patterns over the ages
The table below is more authentic (i.e. similar to those sometimes given in IELTS exams). How many things are being compared? In how many ways are they being compared? With tables like this, you will need to compare between the age groups and also between the different employment sectors of the economy.
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Table 06: Consumption and Production of Natural Gas
With tables like the one below, you will need to compare between countries and also consumption and production figures. It is important to realise also that you should not describe all of the details. The task (skill) here is to focus on the key distinctions and notable similarities.
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Table 07: The Global Happiness Index (GHI)
With tables like the one below, you will need to compare between countries and also consumption and production figures. It is important to realise also that you should not describe all of the details. The task (skill) here is to focus on key distinctions and notable similarities.
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Table 08: The rabbit compared to the tortoise
This is a more basic table. You will need to describe each of the seven comparisons between these two animals.
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Table 09: The Ford Explorer compared to the Range Rover
This is a more basic table. You will need to describe most, if not all of the comparisons.
Compare and contrast two airlines: Emirates and Etihad
Compare the Nissan Patrol and the Toyota Landcruiser
Compare and contrast two companies: Du and Etisalat
Compare and contrast two cities: London and Oslo
Compare and contrast two cities: Doha and Kuwait city
Model reports
Emirates and Etihad compared
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